Did you know that today is National Pay It Forward Day ? In that honor i am going to Pay It Forward to 1 lucky reader. You can enter to win a Women's Gift Basket.
In the gift basket you will find:
1 Clean & Clear Toner
1 Avon Make Up Remover Lotion
1 Dove Deodorant
1 Schick Trim Swim razors 2pk
1 Pack of Revlon Emery Boards
1 Travel Size Puffs Tissue
1 Motrin Pm 20 count
1 Dove Milk Chocolate Candy bar
So how do you enter to win this?? Just do one or more of the following.
- Follow Qpon Saving Mommas on the blog. You can do that by clicking the FOLLOW button on the left side of the screen.
- Suggest Friends to Qpon Saving Mommas on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Qpon-Saving-Mommas/109816039049976
- Follow Qpon Saving Mommas On Face Book Same Link as above
- Post about this giveaway on your Facebook wall or Website and provide a link back
- Tell me what you will do to pay it forward to someone else
Entering Michelle Thomas Varney. She could not post to the site but contacted me via facebook.
Entering for Beth Kwiatek O'Brien. She could not post to the site but contacted me via facebook.
If you can not post it may because you have not registered for Qpon Saving Mommas. You need to register for a google account to be able to post here.
Great giveaway! I will give away some coupons on my site to pay it forward.
I think I signed up to follow you on google! :)
I would love to win this...I'd pay it forward by giving away the items I don't need to my friends...Like the Puffs or the emery boards, which I don't really need and I'm soure someone else could use.
J Johnson
WINNER = Jennifer Johnson
Timestamp: 2011-05-07 11:05:24 UTC
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