Kraft Homestyle Mac & Cheese 17¢ after coupons. She scored 4 packages for 68¢ !!!
Thanks for sharing Anna.
If you too would like to write in and show us your deals you can too. Send me a message and photo to It could get you a small prize :0)
Reader Audax, wrote in and talks about her trip to CVS.
Out of pocket: $32.52
Total saved: $179.88
Items Bought:
17 Dove chocolate 8.8 oz bags
3 Jingles butterfinger 9.2 oz bags
13 Hershey's kisses 8 oz bags
4 Kleenx three packs
2 Cottonelle 18 big rolls
2 Scott 24 double rolls
1 Airwick warmer
1 Airwick twin refill
2 Airwick freshmatics
2 Finish dishwasher packs
4 Ziploc 15 ct gallon bags
2 Dove 1.16 oz bars
1 Hershy's drops 2.5 oz
1 Reese's peanut butter minis 2.5 oz
I started with some ecb's from last week and used the ecb's I had at the end of all the transactions to buy the 75% off chocolate. Also had some $4 off $20 but mine rang up at $5 off, that's always nice.
She also got her self some good deals at Hy-vee/Bag n Save/CVS
I do feel kinda bad cleaning out the town of Athenos Greek yogurt but I really like this stuff, I hope anyone who wanted more got a raincheck. The shopping trips took place later in the week too so I was hoping anyone who wanted the stuff had already gotten their shopping done.
Hy-vee/Bag n Save/CVS
Total OOP: $46.04
Total Saved: $245.10
cvs oop: 19.70
saved:64.78bns oop: 0.70
saved: 10.00
hy vee oop: 25.64

140 Athenos Greek Yogurt cups
4 Halls Cough Drops bags
6 Halls Vitamin C bags
5 Tom's of Maine Mouthwash
1 Tom's of Maine Deodorant
1 Blink eye drops
2 Godiva Chocolate Truffle Coffee bags
2 Yorks Peppermint Patties 8 oz bags
1 Chocolate covered pretzel bag
6 Earthbound Organic Spinach 1 lb containers
3 Pineapples
1 CVS green tag (use with reusable bag, get $1 ecb every 4th visit)

This was an all day shopping trip and we still have tons of Athenos coupons to try and use but we're out of hy vees, I have a lot of Earthbound $1/1 coupons now, they expire in four months so I'm going to keep stocking up, spinach goes great in our smoothies and is the number one more nutrient packed food on earth. The 1 lb containers are normally $7, after the sale + coupons, they were only $3.50! The Godiva chocolate truffle coffee bags are normally $9.99 and we got them for a mere 49 cents each after 75% off christmas sale + $2/1 coupon. Since we don't have a coffee maker we'll have to bring them over to Tyler's mom and use them or find someone else that has one. The pineapples were on sale for $1.99, half price, which we use in smoothies with chocolate almond milk to make a weird combination that tastes like birthday cake.