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Friday, January 9, 2009

GDA for Walgreens 1/11/09 -1/17/09

Oh, and just wanted to mention this before posting the ad that there is a deal going on right now to Buy 6 boxes of south beach diet bars. On sale for 2/$5 = $15 -$2 printable coupon from South Beach's website = $3 +tax where applicable. Get back a $5 Rebate from Walgreens when you do the mail in rebate at the end of month = $2 Money maker and all bars free after rebate

Here are some good deals for this upcoming ad on Sunday. Now keep in mind there are other deals but these are the deals i think are good or i may be buying.

Hormel ham in a can $1.99
SPAM $1.99 - .40/1 11/2/08 =$1.59 ( i don't like but someone else may)

Motrin 50ct. or Tylenol 40ct -50 ct. $4.99 -$4 internet coupon =.99cents each

Aquafresh $2.99 -$2 Easy saver catalog coupon =.99 -.75 coupon from 01-04-09 = .24cents each

V8 juice $3 -.50 coupon from 01-04-09 paper =$2.50

Oust Air Sanitizer
MQ: Oust Air Sanitizer - 11-23-08 - valid up to $3.49 exp 1/17/09

MATH: 2 @ 3.79 - 3.49 (BOGO MQ) = .30/2

When presenting your IVC coupons present MF coupons first, and IVC coupons last.
IVC coupon Scott tp, cottonelle tp 4dbl pks $2.50 each
There is a rebate on Scott Products- you can read here : http://www.scottcommonsense.com/coupon/
IVC Coupon Quaker Oats b1 $2.79 get 1 Free
-$1 internet printable = $1.79 for 2. If you were divide by 2 = .89 each- good deal.
IVC coupon Colgate b1g1Free $2.79 for 2
-(2) $1.50 coupon from internet = .21 cents overage and 2 free tooth pastes
There is also a $1.50 coupon in the Sept. issue of All You Magazine
IVC Coupon Campbells Select Harvest Soup 4/$5 =$1.25 each
-$1/4 coupon from 12-14-08 paper = $4 -.50/2 coupon from 01-04-09 paper =$3.50 /4 = .87 cents a can
Glade Freshener Kit $7.99 - $4 IVC Coupon =$3.99

Scrubbing Bubbles shower kit $14.99-$5 MAIL IN REBATE =$9.99 -$4 coupon =$5.99 you can print coupon from there site or homemade simple site.

IVC Coupon Bounty Basic .89 a roll -.25 coupon =.64 cents a roll.

IVC Mitchum, lady sped stick or mens $1.99 - $1 coupon from here http://coupons.smartsource.com/WEB/index.aspx?Link=GLPAHOLHDARLS
= .99cents each or -.75 coupon from 10-26-08 = $1.24

IVC coupon Gillette mach or Satin Care shave gel $1.99
-$1 gillette mach coupon =.99 each
-.55 Satin care coupon =$1.44

IVC coupon Kleenex .89 -.50/3 coupon from 01-04-09 = $2.17

Pepsi 12pks 5/$15 get $5 RR
-$1 off Pepsi One coupon =$4 each coupon here http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?tqnm=rkflfqw25059610&bt=wi&o=54246&c=RV&p=R8LGzfCb

Don't forget the pepsi rebate

Other mentionings of this sale....
Fiber One bars are one of the items on the green GM $1 peelies so you could do the same thing with those...
Buy 6 boxes for $12 (minus $6 in coupons) and get $2 RR so that is $4 for 6 boxes.
That is 67 cents per box.

there is a $1 off Fiber One toaster pastries coupon in SOME of the 11/16 SS (mine was only 70 cents but database shows a $1 one out there) and there was a $1 off coupon that was mailed with a sample so you could get them for 67 cents a box too.
It is a mix and match deal so you could get any combo of the 3 deals I posted

buy 2 halls bags @ regular price (let's say $1.99)
total = $3.98
give cashier BOGO and they enter regular price ($3.98-$1.99 = $1.99)
give cashier WAGS Q and they take $1 off for each bag ($1.99 - $2.00 = $0.01 overage)

Orajel Cold Sore medicine $8.49
FREE AFTER REBATE TO WALGREENS -$1 coupon = $7.49 out of pocket & MIR to orajel = $8.49 back from Orajel which means... $15.98 Money Maker

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