This is a site to show you how to cut your budget and maximize your savings by using coupons. Some say a 50¢ coupon is hardly worth cutting. I'll make you change your mind about that coupon.
New here, you may want to read this post first I hope you enjoy Qpon Saving Mommas
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
google_ad_client: "ca-pub-8898674239511975",
enable_page_level_ads: true
Monday, January 31, 2011
Coupon Class RSVP List Sent
Coupon Class RSVP List have been emailed. If you did not receive a confirmation please send me an email stating your name and how many attending for the class. Thank you.
Super Double Coupons At Kmart 1/30 - 2/5

Kmart is having super double coupons. You must spend $25 BEFORE coupons and use your shop your way rewards card to do this. You are limited to 4 of the same coupon and only able to use 5 coupons total. They will double up to $2 and including $2. What does this mean ? You can double a $2 coupon to $4. Here is what i purchased yesterday...
(4) olay 4pk Bars Soap $4.99 x4= $19.96
(1) Aveeno Facial Moisterizer $5.19
Total $25.15
Used (4) $2/1 MFQ (expires 1/31)
Used (1) $2/1 Booklet Q for Aveeno
Total Paid $5.15 before tax and after tax was $6.90
New Budget $2822.76
Year To Date Coupon Savings $345.79
Mail In Rebate Savings $0
53% Discount to Gandolfo's New York Delicatessen

Pay $7 for $15 Worth of Sandwiches and Salads at Gandolfo's New York Delicatessen. You can get this deal today only HERE
50% Discount to Havana Garage

Today's Deal: $15 for a Valentine Weekend Package ($30 value) or $10 for $20 at Havana Garage. You can get this deal today only HERE
Friday, January 28, 2011
If you are attending the coupon class i am needing you to RESEND your RSVP info. My COX email account got messed up an all of my emails have been deleted, NOT by me though. I am working w/ cox to try to get it repaired. BUT if you are attending please email me back your info of:
Send emails to
Subject Line: Coupon Class
Who is attending & how many
50% Discount to Zurlo's

Today's Deal: $10 for $20 Worth of Classic and Innovative Italian Fare at Zurlo’s. You can get this deal today only HERE
50% Discount to Velvet Chair Salon & Spa

$90 for a Valentine's Day Spa Package ($195 Value) or $40 for $90 Worth of Haircare Services at Velvet Chair Salon & Spa. You can get this deal today only here
Thursday, January 27, 2011
50% Discount to The Dubliner Pub in Omaha's Old Market

Today's Deal: Pay $10 for $20 to spend at The Dubliner Pub in Omaha's Old Market.
You can get this deal today only HERE
50% Discount to Bath & Body Works

Pay $10 for $20 or $15 for $30 at Bath & Body Works' Online Store. You can get this deal today only HERE
Up to 51% OFF at Legacy Pilates, Yoga & More

Today's Deal: 1 Hour of Therapeutic Massage or 8 Floor Classes at Legacy Pilates, Yoga & More. You can get this deal today only HERE
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Finally A PB Deal For My Kids... HyVee Trip 1/26/11
My stockpile of PB has been gone for about 3-4 months now. i have just buying 1 jar a month and using it for sandwiches. My kids will now be happy that i scored enough PB hopefully for 6 months. In case you missed the post of the PB deal at HyVee you can see it below. I did a transaction and my husband did a transaction.
Transaction #1
6 Skippy PB $10.62
2 Hellmans Mayo $6.56
Total $17.18
Used (6) $1/1 Skippy Booklet Coupon From Safeway
Used (2) $.75/1 Peelie Coupons
Used $5 In Ad Coupon
Total Paid After Coupons $4.68
Transaction #2
9 Skippy PB $15.93
Used (9) $1/1 Skippy Booklet Coupon From Safeway
Used $5 In Ad Coupon
Total Paid After Coupons $1.93
New Budget $2829.66
Year To Date Coupon Savings $327.54
Mail In Rebate Savings $0
Bag N Save Weekly Deals 1/26 - 2/2

Green, Red or Romaine Leaf Lettuce 99¢ each
Red Bell Peppers 99¢ each
Red Onions 99¢ lb
Save $2 on Produce wyb 2 Shedd's Spread
Spread costs 2/$4
Use (2) 60¢/1 Printable Coupon (no longer available to print)
Pay $2.80 & Possibly FREE fruit or veggies
Pilgrim's Pride Frozen Boneless Chicken Breasts $3.99 bag
There was a 55¢/1 Printable Coupon HERE
Pay $3.44
Farmland Bone In Pork Steaks $1.78 lb
Use $1/1 Homemailer = Cheap
Our Family Bacon 16oz $1.99
Village Hearth White Cottage or Country Hearth Stone Ground Wheat Bread 89¢
Kelloggs Pop Tarts 14oz $1.89
Use $1/3 Printable Coupon HERE
Pay $4.67 for 3 packs
Act II Popcorn 3pk 99¢
Use $1/2 Coupon from previous purchase inside package
Pay 98¢
Bush's Best Beans 15-16oz 79¢
Use 55¢/2 Homemailer Coupon
Pay $1.03 for 2 cans
Ragu Sauce $1.59 x2 = $3.18
Use in ad coupon $1.50 off Pasta, coupon = FREE pasta
Knorr Side Dishes 5/$5
Use in ad coupon for $2.50 off fresh meat wyb 5 Knorr sides
Carl Buddig Lunch Meats 2/$1
Use $1/4 Printable Coupon HERE
Pay $1 for 4 packs
John Morrel Deli Ham $1.98 lb
Our Family 1lb butter $1.88
Dole Bananas 39¢ lb
No Frills Weekly Deals 1/26 - 2/1

Tyson Split Frozen Chicken Breasts 88¢ lb
Dole Iceberg Lettuce Head 88¢ each
Roma Tomatoes 88¢ lb
Blackberries 6oz $1.77 each
Granny Smith Appled 88¢ lb
Radishes 99¢ each
Roberts Yogurt 6oz Cups 3/$1
Use Buy 2 Get 1 Free Printable Coupon HERE
Pay 66¢ for 3! Equals 22¢ each
Kix 8.7oz $1.68
Use 50¢/1 Coupon From 01-23-11 SS
Pay 1.18
Use $1/2 Coupon from 01-09-11 SS
Pay $2.36 or $1.18 each
Cheerios 10.7oz $1.68
Use 75/1 Coupon HERE
Pay 93¢
Use 55¢/1 same link & pay $1.13
Trix 10.9oz , Wheaties 10.9oz or Cocoa Puffs 11.8oz $1.68
Use $1/2 Coupon HERE
Pay $2.36 or $1.18 each
Creamette Pasta 12-16oz 68¢
Use $1/2 Coupon HERE
( If quick cook is in sale)
Pay 36¢ for 2!!
Charmin Basic 24 Dbl Rolls $7.98 limit 2
Use 25¢/1 Coupon From 12-26-10 PG
Pay $7.73
Bounty Basic 15 Rolls $7.98 Limit 2
Use 25¢/1 Coupon From 12-26-10 PG
Pay $7.73
Our Family Ketchup 32-36oz 99¢ w/ in ad coupon and wyb 2
Farmland Chopped Ham $2.69 lb
Use $1/1 Homemailer Coupon
Pay $1.69 for 1 lb
Palermo Classic Pizza $1.98
Use $1/1 Tearpad Coupon
Pay 98¢
My FREE Order of Coffee Cream Has Arrived
Remember i posted about the FREE Coffee Creamer Deal ? Well, i just got my order from Staples. There are 40 other orders in stock. So if you ordered it you might want to check it out.
The offer had been pulled but i have heard it is working again. I can NOT confirm that it is working again.
Subtotal: | $6.99 |
$6.99 off Product Purchase: | -$6.99 |
Delivery: | Free |
Estimated Tax: | $0.00 |
Total: | $0.00 |
New Budget $2836.27
Year To Date Coupon Savings $301.04
Mail In Rebate Savings $0
30 Days Homeless

If you have not already discovered this site and his mission i suggest you discover it today.
30 Days Homeless
This hits me in so many ways. I am from Ohio and seeing this makes me cry. I am grateful that someone is kind enough to try to find a solution and he is taking his time everyday to do this. I have prayed for the homeless and that God can help them keep them strong, warm and help them discover what they need to in life.
A little info about this journey:
Over 60% percent of kids who “Age Out” of the system go homeless. For 30 days in January he lives homeless.
His mission is :
1. Raise awareness by giving an inside vantage point of what it is like to live without a home.
2. Bring renewal to my own spiritual life, and to the lives of those who follow.
3. Raise support for New Family Tree Ministries who are providing and furnishing housing for kids who are “AGING OUT” of the system and have no where to call home.
Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? James 2:15-16
I am asking people to give and support this effort by contributing as much as they possibly can in order to bring relief to this issue.
Each year thousands of vulnerable youth across the nation turn 18 and “age out” of the foster care system. While their peers look forward to prom night, graduation, furthering their education and have hope for the future, the “aging out kids” are faced with a harsh reality. They are now alone and solely responsible for determining where they will live, what they will eat and how they will survive in the world.
30 Days Homeless needs everyone to help get the word out so we can help bring relief to children in our backyard who have no family, home, or way to transistion from a foster care
50% Discount to CoCo Key Water Resort

Pay $30 for Family Four-Pack of Day Passes to CoCo Key Water Resort ($60 Value). You can get this deal today only HERE
50% Discount to Panchero's

Today's Deal: $6 for $12 of Food & Drinks at Panchero’s Mexican Grill. You can get this deal today only HERE
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I want to get this train going so this is the last call. It will depart on 2/1
If you would like to sign up details HERE
If you would like to sign up details HERE
Hy-Vee Weekly Deals 1/26-2/2
Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna 5oz 59¢
Chilean Green Seedless Grapes $1.77 lb
California Kiwi 5/$1
Hy-Vee 100% Natural Value Pack Split Chicken Breast, Drumsticks or Thighs 99¢ lb
Campbell's Spaghetti or SpaghettiOs 14.75 or 15 oz. 58¢
Use 50¢/2 Coupon from 12-12-10 SS
Pay 76¢ for 2!
Kellogg's Mini-Wheats Cereal Bite Size 18 oz., Frosted Strawberry 16.3 oz. or select varieties 15.8 to 18 oz. 2/$5
Purchase $15 worth of these Unilever Products and Save $5.00 Limit 1 per customer
Skippy Peanut Butter $1.77
Knorr Sides $1
Lipton Specialty Tea $2
Country Crock Spread or Butter $2.99
Hellmann's Mayonnaise 22-30oz $3.28
Wish - Bone, Western Dressing $1.99
Suave Shampoo or Conditioner 97¢
Deal Scenarios ~
Buy 15 Knorr Sides = $15
Use (15) 45¢/1 Coupons From 01-09-11 SS (regional spanish coupon)
& Use $5 In Ad Coupon
Pay $3.25 equals 22¢ each!!
Buy 9 Skippy PB = $15.93
Use (9)$1/1 Coupons
Use $5 In Ad Coupon
Pay $1.93 for 9 = 22¢ each
Buy 5 Hellmanns Mayo = $16.40
Use (5) 75¢/1 Peelie Coupons
Use $5 In ad coupon
Pay $7.65 for 5! Or $1.53 each
Ortega Taco original, hot or Guacamole Seasoning Mix 75¢
Use $1/2 Printable Coupon
Pay 50¢ for 2!
Sunsweet Ones Prunes 7OZ $1.99
Use $1/1 Coupon from 1-14-10 SS
Pay 99¢
Betty Crocker Potatoes 88¢
Fresh Blueberries or Blackberries 6oz $2
Super Saver Weekly Deals 1/25 - 1/31

Bone In Angus Kansas City Strip Steaks $3.88lb
Navel Oranges 47¢ lb
Bartlett Pears 84¢ lb
Sara Lee Whole Grain White Bread $1.48
Frosted Flakes, Corn Pops, Fruit Loops and Apple Jacks 12.2-14oz $1.78
Use $1/2 Printable Coupon HERE
Pay $2.56 or $1.28 each
Pillsbury Brownie or Cake 92¢
Use $1/2 Sugar Free (if included) Coupon from 01-23-11 RP
Pay 84¢
Target Deal: A1 Steak Sauce 59¢

A1 Steak sauce is $2.09
Use (2) $1/1Printable Coupon Here
And Use $1/2 Target Printable Coupon on there site
Pay 59¢ each after coupons
Olive Garden's Millionth Fan Appreciation Sweepstakes!

Olive Garden now has 1,000,000 fans and we’re giving away 250 prizes a day — for 10 days — as our way of saying "grazie" to you! Join us & click our "1,000,000 Fans" tab for your chance to win! You can do so HERE
Double Coupons At Pamida 1/26 - 2/1

Locations Are :
Pamida #284 - Plattsmouth 211 So. 23rd Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska 68048 | Phone: 402-296-5252 |
Pamida #884 - Glenwood 902 S. Locust Glenwood, Iowa 51534 | Phone: 712-527-9393 |
Pamida #888 - Missouri Valley 413 West Huron Street Missouri Valley, Iowa 51555 | Phone: 712-642-5292 |
Pamida #138 - Blair 150 S. 1st St. Blair, Nebraska 68008 |
57% Discount to Beads Etc.

Today's Deal: Save 57% on two Jewelry Making Classes at Beads Etc. You can get this deal today only HERE
50% Discount to 7M Grill

Pay $20 for $40 Worth of Upscale American Fare and Wine from 7M Grill. You can get this deal today only HERE
Monday, January 24, 2011
NEW SECTION: Readers Write In
I have created a new section where readers can write in and share there deals. I think i may allow this to be a monthly drawing. You can enter as many times as you want but only 1 entry will count. 1 winner will be chosen by random org at the end of the month.
Check out these deals these reader scored! HERE
Get a 30 day supply of Proactiv(R) along with 3 FREE GIFTS and Free Shipping for only $19.95 -a $72 value
Out Growing In ~ Site for swapping children'c clothes
FREE Bestlife Buttery Spread At Bakers
89% Discount to Anytime Fitness Downtown

Today's Deal: $29 for a 30-day V.I.P. Pass to Anytime Fitness Downtown ($260 value). You can get this deal today only HERE
52% Discount to Settle Inn & Suites

$60 for a One-Night Stay in a Themed Suite at Settle Inn & Suites. You can get this deal today only HERE
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Coupon Class To Be Held

New coupon class will be held RSVP is required to attend
Date: Feb 5th
Time: 3:oo pm - ? (usually 1 1/2 hrs)
Pacific Springs Church
17515 Pacific Street
Omaha, NE 68118
Cost: $3 per person
This covers your snacks, drinks and prizes.
If you would like to attend please send an email to
Subject: Coupon Class
I will need your name and how many attending. You pay upon arrival cash only please. If there will be bad weather the class will be cancelled. I want everyone to stay safe.
CVS in Bellevue is now OPEN

Also, i see someone came through and cleared some shelves out. BOO on you! I am all for someone getting a deal but geesh leave some for others. Doors opened at 10am and i was there at 11.
My view on that CVS. Employees are not as friendly as some of the CVS's i have been to, but i will give them more chances because this was the first day opened and i LOVE CVS! Customers were stumped on how to shop there, no one was explaining how to shop the store. I assisted 3 customers. I hope i did not confuse them more. BUT i am just THANKFUL to have a CVS now :0)
Nice meeting you Deb & Beverly!
Here are some of the deals this week:
Xtra Detergent $1.49
Use $1/1 Printable Coupon HERE
Pay 49¢
ECB DEALS (Extra Care Bucks)
Full Fast Appetite control spray 2oz $14.99 Get $14.99 ECB Limit 1
Coke 12oz cans, 12pk 5/$15 Get $5 ECB wyb 5 Limit 2
( Ad says limit 1 but it is 2)
Spend $15 Get $5 ECB wyb any of these Coke or Kraft products Limit 1
Planters Mixed nuts 11.5oz or cashew halves 9.25oz 2/$6
Nabisco Wheat Thins, Triscuit or Ritz 6-12oz 2/$4
Coke 12oz cans, 12pk 5/$15
Fuze, Vitaminwater 20oz, Smartwater 1 liter, Honest Tea 16.9oz or Powerade 32oz 2/$3
Coke 2 liter bottle 2/$3
$3/10 Printable Coupon on Vitamin Water, Smart water, fuze coupon HERE
$.50/1 Printable Coupon HERE
Spend $15 Get $5 ECB wyb any L'Oreal cosmetics Limit 1
L'Oreal True Match Foundation, powder, blush or concealer $7
L'Oreal Infallible Lip gloss $5
L'oreal Colour Riche Lip $5
Spend $10 Get $4 ECB wyb Revlon Cosmetics or Beauty Tools Limit 1
$2/1 & $1/1 Coupon From 01-16-11 SS
Spend $10 Get $4 ECB wyb Almay Cosmetics Limit 1
$2/1 Coupon From 01-23-11 SS
Get $2 ECB wyb CoverGirl Lip Perfection lip color, lip liner, Natureluxe foundation or gloss balm Limit 1
$2.50/2 Coupon From 12-26-10 PG
Get $4 ECB wyb (2) Kiss or Broadway Artificial Nails (excludes glue) Limit 1
$2/1 Printable Coupon HERE
Get $5 ECB wyb any Olay ProX products Limit 1
$3/1 Coupon From 12-12-10 RP
Spend $30 Get $10 ECB wyb any Roc Skin Care Limit 1.
Coupons in last weeks Sunday Paper
Spend $20 Get $10 ECB wyb Eucerin (excludes Aquaphor and trial sizes) Limit 1
$2/1 Printable Coupon HERE
Clairol Perfect 10 hair color $9.99 Get $2 ECB Limit 1
$3/1 Coupon from 01-23-11 SS
Spend $10 Get $3 ECB wyb these Clairol or Pantene products Limit 1
Clairol Nice'n Easy, Root Touch-Up or GraySolution $5.99
$2/1 Coupon From 01-23-11 SS
Pantene Pro-V shampoo, conditioner or styler $3.99
$3/2 Coupon From 12-26-10 PG
Huggies Jumbo pk. diapers, Pull-Ups (excludes GoodNites) Limit 1
$2/1 Coupon From 01-23-11 SS
Visine Tears, Visine-A, Totality, original, A.C, advanced 1oz or wipes 30ct. $5.49 Get $1 ECB Limit 1
$2/1 Printable Coupon HERE
Crest pro-health or pro-health complete rinse 16.9 oz $3.99 get $3.99 ECB limit 2
(ad says limit 1 but limit is 2)
DiGiorno 12" pizza, Buy 1 Get 1 Free $6.99 each
Use $3/2 Tearpad Coupon
Pay $3.99 for 2!
(ad says limit 1 but limit is 2)
DiGiorno 12" pizza, Buy 1 Get 1 Free $6.99 each
Use $3/2 Tearpad Coupon
Pay $3.99 for 2!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
FREE 50 Coffee-Mate Singles Shipped FREE to your local Staples!
Here’s an online deal you’ll may want to try out! Keep in mind, these types of deals are always a gamble, meaning your order may be cancelled. But it only takes a few minutes and I think it’s worth that chance.
Get the Coffee-Mate® Non-Dairy Liquid Coffee Creamers, French Vanilla, 50/Box for FREE from with coupon code 69486. Plus, select to pick this up at your local store for free shipping!
Add the Coffee-Mate® Non-Dairy Liquid Coffee Creamers, French Vanilla, 50/Box for $6.99 to your cart
Go to your cart and click the “Add/Edit Coupons” button to enter code 69486
Begin CheckoutSelect “Deliver to a Store near me” for Free in store pick-up to avoid the $9.95 shipping costs
Enter in your billing/shipping infoYou will need to enter a credit card number, but all you pay is tax
Thanks to Coupon Katarina
Get the Coffee-Mate® Non-Dairy Liquid Coffee Creamers, French Vanilla, 50/Box for FREE from with coupon code 69486. Plus, select to pick this up at your local store for free shipping!
Add the Coffee-Mate® Non-Dairy Liquid Coffee Creamers, French Vanilla, 50/Box for $6.99 to your cart
Go to your cart and click the “Add/Edit Coupons” button to enter code 69486
Begin CheckoutSelect “Deliver to a Store near me” for Free in store pick-up to avoid the $9.95 shipping costs
Enter in your billing/shipping infoYou will need to enter a credit card number, but all you pay is tax
Subtotal: | $6.99 |
$6.99 off Product Purchase: | -$6.99 |
Delivery: | Free |
Estimated Tax: | $0.00 |
Total: | $0.00 |
Thanks to Coupon Katarina
50% Discount to The Donut Professor

Todays Deal: pay $10 for $20 Worth of Donuts and More at The Donut Professor. You can get this deal today only here
Friday, January 21, 2011
Bag N Save Shopping Trip 1/21/11
My crazy son wanted to be in the pic w/ his chocolate milk. Yes he is holding a Qpon Saving Mommas Sign, that's my crazy husbands doing.
Ground Sirloin $7.17
Smart Chicken $2.27
Smart Chicken $2.33
Smart Chicken $2.39
1 Campbells Healthy Tomato Soup $1.33
1 Kraft American Cheese Slices $3.59
Donuts 6ct $3.49 (NO i am not eating, i have will power and will fight it)
Robers 1/2 gal Chocolate Milk $.99 x2= $1.98
Roberts 1/2 Strawberry Milk $.99
Village Hearth Light Bread $1.89
Green Giant Russet Potatoes 10lb $2.77
Total $30.20
Total After Coupons $21.45
Total Savings $8.75
New Budget $2836.27
Year To Date Coupon Savings $294.05
Mail In Rebate Savings $0
HyVee Trip 1/21/11
They were out of everything i wanted so i got rain checks. Funny how they have now started putting expiration dates on them. I asked and supposedly it is there new policy.
Tony's Crisp Pizza $.77x4=$3.08
1 Blue Bonnet Sticks $.48
1 Package of Pineapple $3.23
Total $6.79
Total After Coupons $4.29
Total Savings $2.50
New Budget $2857.72
Year To Date Coupon Savings $285.30
Mail In Rebate Savings $0
CVS Trip 1/16/11
Transaction #1
1 Blink Tears $7.99
2 Maalox 90ct $7.99x2
Total $25.65
Total After Coupons $2.97
Transaction #2
2 Sierra Mist 12pks $3.34x2= $6.68
2 Pepsi 12pks $3.34x2= $6.68
1 Lays bbq chips $2.50
1 Frappucino 4pk $4.99
Total $20.85
Total After Coupons $9.83
Transaction #3
6 Puffs $.99x6=$5.94
1 Charmin $9.99
1 Bounty $9.99
4 Orbit Gum $1.29x2= $2.58 (B1G1F Sale)
2 Diet Coke 20oz $1.69x2= $3.38
1 Diet Coke 12pk $5.19
Total $39.06
Total After Coupons $20.53
Total Spent for day $33.33
Total Saved for day $52.23 & i have a $10 ECB left
New Budget $2862.01
Year To Date Coupon Savings $282.80
Mail In Rebate Savings $0
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