New here, you may want to read this post first I hope you enjoy Qpon Saving Mommas

Monday, May 31, 2010

Printable Coupon: $.50 off Old El Passo

Click Here for the coupon use zipcode 90210

Printable Coupon: $1 off Nutri Grain Bars

Printable Coupon: $2.50 off Good Night Pants

$2 off any STP Product

Print your coupon Here

Friday, May 28, 2010

Printable Coupon: $1.50/1 Wholly Guacamole

Keep your eyes open at Bakers for a great deal on these.
Usually Bakers will have these go on clearance there.
You can get it for FREE after coupon Print Here

Printable Coupon: Buy 1 Get 1 Free Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs

Join on Facebook

No Coupon Inserts 5/30

Remember there will be no inserts this weekend due to holiday.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Printable Coupon: $10/1 Alice In Wonderland Blue Ray DVD or Combo

You can print HERE

Blockbuster Express Kiosk FREE movie rental codes


You can check Blockbuster Express locations HERE

Bakers Weekly Deals 5/26 - 6/1

Powerade 32oz $.79
- Buy 10 Get 5 Free coupon = $7.90 for 15 bottles, like paying $.53 cents each

Pepsi or Coke products $2.50 each when you buy 4
-$2/4 =$8 Coke Coupon - home mailer from Bakers

Sweet Corn 8/$2

Hormel Always Tender Marinated Boneless Pork Loin or Tenderloins Buy 1 get 1 Free. Will Ring at $8.99-$9.99
-(2) $1/1 =$6.99-$7.99 for 2 coupon from 05-02-10 SS insert

Nabisco Snack Crackers $1.88
-$1/2 =$2.76 coupon from 05-16-10 SS insert

Sweet Baby Rays 18oz $.99
-$1/1 = FREE coupon from 05-23-10 SS insert
(our area did not get this coupon)

Starbucks Frapucino 4pk $4.99
-$1/1 =$3.99 coupon from 05-02-10 SS insert

All detergent $2.99
-$2/1 = $.99 cents coupon from 05-16-10 RP insert
(this is only good on the oxyclean, yes this is in the sale)
There is also a
Mail In Rebate if your unhappy w/ the product.

Super Miracle Bubbles 100 oz $2.99

Life Savers peg bags $1
-$1/2 = $1
-Buy 1 Get 1 Free = $1 for 2
-$.60/1 =$.40 cents
All coupons can be found here
Coupons Inc.

Rubbermaid 25% off
-$1/1 = ? insert coupon

Strawberries $1.67

Horizon Singles Milk $1

Smart water $1

Fried Chicken 8pc $5.99
-$1/1 = $4.99 coupon was a home mailer from Bakers

Pudding cakes $4.99

Fareway Omaha Weekly Deals 5/26 - 6/1

Large eggs $.77

French's mustard 20oz $.99
-$.50/1 =$.49 cents! Coupon from 05-09-10 SS insert

Texas Toast croutons 5oz bag $.99
-$.55/1 =$.44 cents! Coupon from 05-16-10 SS insert

Birds Eye Steamfresh veggies 12oz $.99
-$.50/1 =$.49 cents! Coupon from 05-02-10 SS insert

Blue Bunny Bomb Pops 12ct $1.99
-$1/1 =$.99 cents coupon HERE

Capri Sun 10 ct $1.89
-$1/1 =$.89 cents! coupon came from booklet from Bag & Save

Sno-White mushrooms 8oz $.99

Chicken Hind quarters $.39lb sold in 10lb bag

Bag & Save Weekly Deals 5/26 - 6/1

Land O Lake gallon milk $1.69 limit 2
-$.55/2 = $2.83 coupon from ? insert

Our family hot dog or hamburger buns $.47

Bic Sure start lighter $2.99
-$1/1 =$1.99 coupon from 05-23-10 SS insert

Kraft Jet Puffed Marshmallows 10-10.5oz $.79
-$.55/2 =$1.03 coupon is a tearpad coupon

84% Lean ground chuck $1.77lb

Bi color sweey corn 4/$1

Oscar Mayer hotdogs or Bologna $.69
-$1/2 =$.38 cents!! Coupon from 05-16-10 SS insert

Wonder or Homepride bread Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Our family Pickles 24oz $1.69

Benadryl Allergy 20-24ct $3.99
-$5/2 =$2.98 coupon from 04-11-10 RP insert

Land O Lakes Lemonade 1/2 gal $.79

Roberts Half & Half pint $.79

There are some great Kraft coupons in the ad. Combine w/ manufacture coupons and should be some good deals.

Wohlner's Market Weekly Deals 5/26 - 6/1

They do not accept Internet Printed Coupons, so you will have to price match it somewhere if you want this deal.

Vlassic Relish 10oz $.99
-$.55/1 =$.44 cents! Coupon HERE

Russet Potatoes 10lb bag $1.99

Our family Sparkling water 1 liter $.59

No Frills Weekly Deals 5/26 - 6/1

Sara Lee whole grain buns 8ct $.98
-$1/2= $.96 tearpad coupon (if included in sale)

Kraft Singles cheese 12oz 3/$3 w/ store coupon
-$1/2= $2 or $.67 cents each coupon is a Blinkie Coupon

They have various store coupons out this week for Kraft products. Combine those with manufacture coupons and you could have a pretty good deal.

Hy-Vee Weekly Deals 5/26 - 6/1

XL Fritos, Cheetos or XXL Lay's Potato Chips 7.75 to 11 oz. $1.76
-$1/1 Zingers = $.76 cents! (if included in sale)

Seedless Watermelon $3.49 each

Blueberries, Blackberries or Driscoll's Raspberries 3/$5
-$.50/1 =$1.17 coupon HERE

Bounty Basic Paper Towels 8 regular rolls $4.88
-$.25/1 =$4.63 coupon from 05-02-10 PG insert

Charmin Basic Bathroom Tissue 12 big rolls $4.88
-$.25/1 = $4.63 coupon from 05-02-10 PG insert

Johnsonville Bratwurst or Italian Sausage 16 to 20 oz $2.99
-$.55/1 =$2.44 coupon from 05-02-10 SS insert

Folgers or Butter-Nut Coffee 22.6 to 34.5 oz $5.99
-$.25/1 =$5.74 coupon from 05-23-10 RP insert

Online Ad
Sara Lee whole grain white bread $1.68
-$1/2= $2.36 tearpad coupon

Super Saver Omaha Weekly Deals 5/26 - 6/1

(Same ad below, except for items noted)

Pepsi 24pk $3.98 each when you buy 2
-$2/2 = $5.96 Peelie coupon found on packages

Bar S jumbo franks $.68
-$1/2 =$.36 cents! coupon from 05-16-10 RP Insert

Pilgrim's Pride chicken leg quarters $.58lb
-$.50/1 = ? Coupon on
Pilgrim's Pride's website

Van camp pork & beans $.33 each
-$.30/3 =$.69 or $.23 cents each! coupon from 05-16-10 SS insert

Super Saver Council Bluffs Weekly Deals 5/26 - 6/1

Cantaloupe $1.97

Kraft bbq sauce $.66
-$.25/1= $.41 Peelie Coupon found on bottle

Iceburg lettuce $.68

Lays potato chips $1.38

Best choice 24pk water $1.98

80% Lean ground beef $1.77lb

Era detergent $2.58
-$.55/1 = $2.03 blinkie coupon

Avocados $.48 each

New Kraft Instant Win Game

You too can play to win HERE
Credit to Rose Knows Coupons

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Red Plum New Coupons


Some coupons are:
Save $0.75/1 Bertolli Pasta Sauce
Save $1/1 Dove Deodorant or Body Mist (NO size exclusions!)
Save $2 on ANY 2 Jimmy Dean Sausage Rolls (use zip code 63366)
Save $1/2 packages of Kellogg’s cereal
& more

Ace Hardware Deals

Top Soil 40lb bags 4/$6
Red Mulch 3 bags for $10

I Just Won 11 Swag Bucks on www.swagbucks.com

I Just Won 11 Swag Bucks on www.swagbucks.com

I Just Won 10 Swag Bucks on www.swagbucks.com

I Just Won 10 Swag Bucks on www.swagbucks.com

Printable Coupon: $1/1 Underwood Meat

Printable Coupon: New $2.50/3 Huggies Wipes

Click Here to print a coupon for $2.50/3 packages of Huggies Baby Wipes
(64 ct or larger)

Printable Coupon: $2/1 Al Fresco Sausage

Click Here for coupon
Target carries this product in case you can not find it.

Free Tropicana Orange Juice TODAY ONLY

Get a FREE Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice today only – May 26.
Redeem 5 points and get a coupon for a FREE
Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice

(value $4.99). This is for the first 50,000 people!
Go Here to sign up or log in.

Papa Johns Pizza 50% off May 30th

On Saturday May 30th, you can get 50% off your Papa Johns order of $20
or more with coupon code: customer50

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Zulilly has 50% off hoody bath towels

Bambooh Brand Organic bath towels $19.99 You can get one here HERE

Vlassic Dill Pickles $1.33

Not the best deal in the world but an ok Deal.
Walmart has the medium size jar of pickles for $1.88 on roll back.
After coupon they will be $1.33

Print coupon here

Library canceled coupon class

The class was canceled because another group with higher priorities wanted to book the room. So what i am going to do is put together some videos that will be pretty much the same things i talk about in the class.

This way you can watch the videos in your own home and we do not have to worry about the class being canceled again. I'm frustrated and so that is why i am not doing another class for a while. Just tired of classes getting canceled.

Of course you can still ask me the questions if you would like. I will just answer them through emails or through the website here. I may even try to set up a chat night.

Rite Aid's Wellness Rewards Program

We don't have a Rite Aid but someone that comes to the site may want to sign up for this that has a Rite Aid.

Save Up To 20% Every Day at Rite Aid. Sign Up for wellness+ Today!
Sign Up Here

Printable Coupon: $.75/1 Ball Park Angus

You can print your coupon HERE

Monday, May 24, 2010

Printable Coupon: Littlest Pet Shop Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Click Here to print the coupon

Price Line: $35 Bonus Cash Facebook Freebie

Help Price Line Negotiator reach 100,000 ‘likers’ by 11:59pm EST
on Memorial day and they will reward all their fans with
a $35 Bonus Cash coupon!

Go here to like them

Hot Target Deals ( deals can vary from reigons)

I have to give credit to Hot Coupon World

Kandoo Small Pack of Wipes for $1.69
-$1/1 MFQ from 4/4 P&G insert = $.69

Huggies Baby Wipes 72 ct. Tub $1.66
-$0.50/1 coupon from 3/21 SS =$1.16 per tub


Airwick i-motion compact are on clearance for $3.97

Ziploc Slider Bags 38ct 1qt or 28ct 1 gallon $2.27 (price cut until 5-08-10)
Buy 4 bags for a total of $9.08
Use 2 buy one get one free coupons from the 4/11 SS
Use 1 $0.55/1 coupons from the 2/21 SS
Pay $3.99
**Then submit for the $5 Johnson Rebate for a final cost of FREE + profit.

Raid Bug Barrier $7.49
- Target $5.00 Gift Card FREE WYB Raid Max Bug Barrier Product
- $3/1 MFQ
Total $ 4.49 and get $5 Gift Card

Windex Outdoor Starter Kit $12.99
-$5/1 MFQ from 5/9 SS
Pay $7.99 & get back a $5 Target gift card (ONLY if you use the regional Target coupon from the 5/2 or 5/23 SS)


Meow Mix 16lb bag on clearance $6.39 Use $1.50/1 IPQ coupon = $4.89

Kibbles 'n Bits Dry Dog Food small bag $4.45-$1.50 =$2.95 coupon from 04-11-10 RP

Buy 3 boxes of selected Kellogg’s cereals $2.59 each = FREE Gallon of Market Pantry White Milk
-$1/1 Kelloggs Peelie Coupons = $4.77

Quaker Easy Express Oatmeal Cups $1.02
- $1/1 coupon from HERE
= $.02 cents

Buy 2 Ball Park Beef Franks $2.50 each = FREE 8 ct Sara Lee Hot Dog Buns
-$1/2 coupon from the 5/2 RP
= $4 for 2 packages of hotdogs & package of buns!

Wish Bone Salad Spritzers or Wish-Bone Dressing $1.33
(Price Cut Until 6/12)
- 2 $.75/1 TQ from 4/25 insert
-$1.25/2 coupon from the 5/23 RP
= 2 for FREE!

Ovaltine $2.89 -$2/1 IP = $.89 cents

Ragu 26 oz Pasta Sauce$1.68 (Price Cut until 6/12)
- $0.75/2 TQ from 4/25 insert
- $1/2 MFQ from 5/23 RP (value will vary by region)
= $.81 per each

Hershey’s Bliss $2.99
-$1/1 MFQ from 4/25 SS & -$1/1 TQ from targets site = $0.99 cents!

Glaceau Vitaminwater $1
-$.50/1 MFQ from 4/25 SS = $.50!

Kraft Deli Deluxe Cheese $2.89
-$1/1 MFQ HERE & - $1/1 TQ = $.89 cents

KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce $1.42
-$1/1 MFQ = $.42 cents!

Belly Bars 5ct clearance $6.78
-$4/1 Belly bars TQ & $3/1 printable coupon = FREE

Tic Tacs – $0.52 each on clearance
Use B1G1F IPQ =$.52 for 2

Digiorno Pizza & Breadsticks Regular Price $6.29
-$3 IPQ = $3.29

V8 fusion 6pk $2.83
-$1/1 =$1.83 coupon HERE

Hawaiian punch 64oz $1.18

Kool-Aid, Sugar Free Canisters $2.75
-$1/1= $1.75 tearpad coupon

Quaker Oats 18oz $1.92
-$1/1 IPQ =$.92 cents coupon HERE

Kellogg Fruit Snacks $1.66-$1.88
-$1/1 IPQ =$.66-$.88 coupon HERE

Healthy Choice entrees select ones on clearance for $2.18
x2=$4.36 -$1/2 IPQ =$3.36 or $1.68 each coupon HERE

Kid Cuisine clearance $1.38 x2=$2.76
-$1/2 =$1.76 coupon from All You, April issue

Archer Farm Crackers clearance $1.74

Back to nature rice crackers $.86 cents

Nabisco 100 calorie packs $2.41
-B1G1 =$2.41 for 2 coupon HERE

Stouffers Express Lasagna clearance $5.81

Hershey cookies & cream 6pk candy bars $2.71
-$.75 peelie =$1.96

Raisinets 6pk $2.71
-$1/1 =$1.71 coupon is a homemailer

Wonka Bars $2.29
-$1/1 IPQ =$1.29 coupon here HERE

Wilton cake Decorating Icing clearance $1.48

Progresso High Fiber Soups $1.38

Market Pantry rasberry preserves $.76 cents

Chef Boyardee bowls $.84 x4=$3.36
-$1.50/4 IPQ =$1.86

La Crouix 12pk Water $2.50
-$2 MFQ = $.50 cents

TGIF Mozzerella Sticks $2.99
-$1.50IPQ =$1.49

Del Monte Fruit Chillers $1.83
-$1 IP =$.83

International Delight Liquid Coffee Creamer $1.49
-$1.50/1 TQ coupon came from register = FREE

Thomas Bagels TPC $2
-$1/1= $1 coupon from booklet.

Laura's Lean Beef Patties 8ct found on clearance $5.84
-$1 Peelie coupon = $4.84

Old El Paso seasoning packets are $.33
buy 2 and use $.60/2 IPQ = $.06 cents

Starbucks VIA Ready Brew On clearance $3.00
-$1/1 IPQ & $.55 TQ on there website =$1.45

Hormel Party Tray on clearance for $7.77
-$2/1 IPQ =$5.77

Silk Chocolate Milk on clearance $1.88
-$.75/1 IPQ =$1.13

Nesquik Singles Milk 16 oz $1.09
-$1/2 Any Nesquik Products 5-22-00 SS Insert =$.59 cents each after coupon wyb 2
Or you can use $1/1 booklet coupon = $.09 cents!

Kraft salad dressing 16oz bottles $1.89
-TQ for B2G1 Free and a MQ for $1/2 = $2.78 for 3 bottles or $.93 cents each.


Jergen’s Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer 2 oz Size $1.99
-$2/1 coupon from coupons website = FREE

LA Looks Sport Gel 20 oz $1.55
-$1/1 MFQ from 5/23 SS= $.55 cents!

Pure & Natural body wash $2.99
-$2 IPQ =$.99 cents

Covergirl shineblast lipgloss double pack Clearanced at $2.48
x2= $4.96 - $2.50/2 =$2.46 + tax coupon came from 05-02-10 PG

Dove Body Mist $2.99
- $1/1 IPQ HERE & - $1/1 TQ = $.49 cents!

NYC New York Color nail polish $1.72
-$1/1 = $.72 cents

Travel Size Satin Care Shave gel $.99
-$1/1 regional coupon from 5/2 PG = FREE!

Carefree to go Pantiliners 22 ct $.97
-$1/1 MFQ from 4/25 SS = FREE!

Herbal Essence Travel Size Products (Gel, Shampoo or Conditioner) $0.97
-$1/1MFQ from 5/16 RP = FREE!

Halle Berry perfume marked down to $2.98
-$3/1 IPQ = FREE

Dove Ultimate Go Fresh .5 oz Travel Size $0.97
- $1/1 coupon from Red Plum website (does NOT exclude travel size)

Buy 3 Select Biore Products = $5 Target gift card (valid thru July 10th)
Participating items:
*Biore 6 ct Ultra OR 8 ct Deep Cleansing Nose Strips $5.94
*Biore 14 ct Deep Cleansing Pore Strips OR 60 ct. Cleansing Cloths $8.99
*Biore 5 oz Pore Unclogging Scrub OR 6.7 oz Clear Blemish Cleanser $5.94
*Biore 1.7 oz Dual Fusion Moisturizer SPF 30 $13.99
*Biore 6.7 oz Self Foaming Cleanser $5.99
Arm & Hammer toothpaste travel size $.97 - $1 MFQ from 3/21 SS

Reach floss (select varieties) $1.12
-$1/1 MFQ from 10/18 RP, 1/3 RP, 3/7 RP or IP = $0.12 cents

Degree Girl Deodorant $1.99 x2=$3.98
-$3/2 IP =$.98 for 2

St. Ives Body Wash, moisturizer or scrub 3 oz Travel Size $0.97
- $1/1 MFQ from 3/21 SS = FREE!

Dial 2ct Bars Cranberry & antioxident $.88
-$.35 MFQ= $.53 cents coupon from 03-07-10 RP

Venus Razors Set with carboard backing clearance $12.31
-$2 IPQ =$10.31 coupon from ?

Treseme hairspray 4.2oz $2.24

Listerine mouthwashes on clearance for $3.39
- $2 IP = $1.39


Bounce 45 ct. Dryer Sheets $1.94
-$0.25/1 MFQ from 5/2 PG & - $.75/1 regional TQ from 5/16 SS = $.94 cents!

Shout spray $1.97
-$.55 MFQ & $1/1 TQ (homemailer) = $.42 cents!

Oxy Clean Max liquid gel $6.98
-$2 MFQ =$4.98

Tide Travel Size $.97
- $1MFQ= FREE coupon from (last 2 P&Gs)

Benadryl 48ct clearance $5.08
-$5/2 =$5.08 for 2 coupon from 04-11-10 RP

Benadryl itch sticks $2.17 x2=$4.34 -$5/2 MFQ = FREE

Motrin PM – $3.99
-$1/1 Motrin PM & -Target Coupon HERE & -$3/1 from the 4/18 RP = FREE

Pictureka Penguin $4.98 on clearance

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hot TP Deal At Staples - TODAY ONLY

TODAY ONLY at Staples you can order
Marcal Small Steps toilet paper 24 rolls for $2.99 each!

Once your on the staples site type in 593805-v6 in the search field.
You can then get it for $2.99

If you click on it through the site as there sale on the ad you will not get the price for $2.99 you then would be paying $4.99 $2 difference.

Some are claiming that when you pick up you can use the $2 MF coupon for it as well. I do not know if this is true and i highly doubt our staples will let us do that, but you can always ask.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Printable Coupon *HOT* $10/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Shower Starter Kit

You can print HERE
Credit to Hip2Save

Bakers Weekly deals 5/19 - 5/25

Bakers Large Eggs dozen $.78

Rice or Pasta Roni $.88

Big K 2 liters $.58

Honeysuckle Marinated Turkey Breast Tenderloin Buy One, Get One FREE $8.99 each

All Laundry Detergent Liquid, 32-63 oz $2.99

Use $2/1 =$.99 cents coupon from 05-16-10 RP insert

Snuggle Fabric Softener 70-80 ct Sheets or Snuggle Fabric Softener 32-40 Loads Select Varieties $2.99

Use $.75/1 =$2.24 coupon from 05-12-10 RP insert

Airwick Air Freshener or Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner 25% Off
(various coupons out)
Scott Paper Towels $1

Nestlé Single candy bars 2/$1

Schick Disposable Razors $4.89

Use $2/1 = $2.89 coupon from 04-11-10 SS insert

Dove Deoderant $2

Use $2/1 Internet Printable coupon = FREE
( coupon no longer available to print)
Degree Invisible Solids $2
Use $1/1 coupon = $1 coupon from 04-25-10 RP insert

Keebler Chips Deluxe Cookies 12.5-18 oz, Club or Town House Crackers 9-16 oz, Keebler Pecan Sandies 9.5-16 oz or Sunshine Cheez-It 11.5-14.5 oz Select Varieties $1.69 when you buy 3
Use $.55/1 keebler sandies = $1.14 coupon from 04-18-10 RP insert

Buy any combination of Nestle® Pure Life® or Ozarka® 24 packs of bottled water and receive a coupon* at checkout for your next shopping trip for $2 when you buy two (2) OR $3 when you buy three (3) OR $5 when you buy four (4) or more *All purchases must be made in a single transaction. Limit 1 rebate coupon per transaction. See coupon for details. Offer valid 5/19/10 - 6/1/10
Use $1/2 coupon from 04-11-10 RP insert

Fareway Council Bluffs Ad 5/18- 5/24

Same ad above, few things different.

Oscar mayer hot dogs $1.25
Use $1/2 = $1.50 coupon
watermelon $.39lb

Fareway Omaha Ad weekly deals 5/19 - 5/25

Rotella Vienna bread $.88
Hamburger or hotdog buns $.77
Red seedless grapes $.99lb
Kraft bbq sauce $.89

Use $.20/1 peelie coupon = $.69 cents ( coupon is on bottle)
folgers coffee 27.8-34.5oz $5.99

Bag & Save weekly deals 5/19 - 5/25

Land O Lakes gallon milk $1.69 limit 2
Use $1/2 coupon = $2.38 for 2! Coupon from an insert

Our Family grape jelly 32oz $.88

Our family pb 18oz $.88

Black forest gummy bears or worms $.79
Use $.55/2 = $1.03 for 2 coupon HERE

Wohlner's Market 5/19-5/25

Hellmans mayo 22-30oz jar $1.50
Use $.75/1 coupon = $.75 cents! coupon HERE

Printable Coupon: Save $1/1 Package of Quaker Instant Oatmeal or Quaker Quick or Old Fashioned Oats

Print coupon HERE

FREE Halo products

Sign Up Here for the free Halo holistic pet food newsletter,
and you’ll receive a coupon via email for a FREE bag
of Halo Healthsome Dog or Cat Treats!

Enter your email address in the box on the right-hand side and click submit.
Go here for a FREE Sample of Bully Sticks All-Natural Dog Treats.

Printable Coupon: $1.00 off Edwards Singles A La Modes

Sign up on Facebook

Good Deal On Ovaltine

Target: $.89 cents after coupon

Walmart $.78 cents after coupon

To Print Coupon Click Here

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How to organize your coupons ?

So i had some readers ask me this through the board and through email. I tried answering as best as i can in the video. Please excuse me, i get nervouse and this was my 1st video, lol. I hope it can help you some. You can watch the video HERE

Hy-Vee Weekly Deals 5/19-5/25

Musselman's Apple Sauce 23 or 24 oz $1.25

Green Bell Peppers or Slicing Cucumbers 2/$1

Hy-Vee 100% Natural Fresh Whole Chicken $.88lb

Yoplait Smoothie 7.6 oz. $2.50
Use $1.25/1 =$1.25 coupon HERE

Totino's Party Pizza 9.8 to 10.9 oz 4/$5
Use $1/5 =$4 coupon from 04-18-10 SS insert

Green Giant Vegetables 7 to 10 oz $1
Use $.50/1 =$.50 coupon HERE

Yoplait Delights Parfait $2.18
Use $1/1 = $1.18 coupon HERE

IttiBitz Ice Cream 5 for $5
Use $1/4 =$3 for 4 coupon from 05-16-10 SS insert

Dole Celery $.97

Van Camp's Pork and Beans 2/$.88
$.30/3 =$1.02 for 3 coupon from 05-16-10 SS insert

Hefty Trash Bags 16 to 45 ct $4.99

Hunt's Tomato Ketchup w/ store coupon $.78
Use $.20/1 =$.58 cents! coupon from 05-16-10 SS insert

FREE MILK With Purchase
Buy 3 General Mills Products featured on this page, Get Milk up to $3.75 value
Missouri residents will receive $3.75 off their next shopping order. Your coupon
will print at store checkout.

Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad $1.25
Use $.40/1 =$.85 cents x2 = $1.70
Betty Crocker Muffins $2.19
Use $1/2 =$3.38 coupon from 03-28-10 SS insert
Total $5.08 + FREE MILK Coupon

Super Saver Weekly Deals 5/1- 5/25

Super Saver- Council Bluffs Ad
Russet Potatoes 10lb bag $1.36

Super Saver Omaha Ad (Same as above)
Orroweat bread $.98
Use $1 coupon = FREE coupon from 03-28-10 SS insert
(if this kind is on sale)

Mission soft taco shells $1.18
Use $1.50/2 Mission products = $.86 cents! coupon is a tearpad

Post Cereals $1.68
Use $2 Coupon = FREE coupon HERE

Printable Coupon: Buy 1 Orange Julius get 1 for $1

You can print coupon HERE

Printable Coupon: $4/2 Huggies

Click Here for coupon. It is a Smartsource.

Printable Coupon: $2/2 Huggies Wipes (64 ct or larger)

Click Here for coupon

Printable Coupon: $2/1 Ovaltine

Click Here for coupon

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Printable Coupon: Chef’s Requeste

These are reported that the print limit is reset but now for me :0(
They are $3.28-$3.49 At Walmart
After the $3 coupon they are only $.28-$.49 cents!!

Coupon HERE

Blog Archive