This is a site to show you how to cut your budget and maximize your savings by using coupons. Some say a 50¢ coupon is hardly worth cutting. I'll make you change your mind about that coupon.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Vacation is almost over :0(
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Vacation Time
So since we were wore out the first day we didn't much that day, lol. We went to the grocery store (Krogers) and i thought that was a war zone yesterday. OMG. i told my mom i would never go to that Krogers again. We went to Walmart just before that store and i wished i was back there instead of Krogers.
I cooked hamburgers & hotdogs. Then later we went out fishing. My kids loved that so much. They had been fishing before but had never caught anything. Tons of bluegill in the lake for them :0)
At night we went out for some ice cream. It was to a place called Graters. I had a buckeye waffle cone, Dh had a Strawberry Malt, kids had a Chocolate Chip ice cream cone. There pretty pricey but the ice cream was pretty good.
Today were thinking about going to WPAFB -Wright Patt Air Force Base. It's going to be raining on and off today. I might go and visit my neighborhood where i grew up from. New Carlisle, OH.
That's about it for today.
I'll post as i can here but i won't be loading any pics until we get back home. I also won't be posting many shopping deals until we get back. OH, but you can bet that i will be going to CVS. Look out here i come :0)
Have a great day today guys!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Fareway Shopping Trip 5/19
Dinner For Thursday
I made these mini muffin meatloafs. I wanted to try out Erins idea from her blog. You can visit her site off to the right side in the bar. Thanks for the tip Erin. It's my recipe but her idea and a great idea at that.
It cooks in a shorter amount of time vs my recipe i had. My recipe took any where from 1-1/2 hrs. I made this in about 20 minutes. We'll save some plain ones for spaghetti or meatball sandwiches. I'm not sure about her recipe but w/ mine they cooked smaller than i thought they would.
Here's my recipe:
2lbs hamburger
1lb ground turkey
2/3 C evaporated milk
1/3 - 1/2 seasoned bread crumbs
1/4 C Ketchup
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. oregano
Heat oven to 375 and cook for 10 min. Then cover w/ your sauce of choice. I made some w/ bbq sauce, some w/ ketchup and some plain.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
What's For Dinner ?
Keep Your Eyes Open For Great Sales This Week
As you know from my previous post that hot dogs will be cheap. So to give you an idea on what to look out for is....
Think of pop, chips, condiments, hotdogs, meat, seasonings.
Bag & Save - A-1 Marinade for $1.99 -$2 Coupon =FREE (i'm getting mine tonight) it might be the last day for it.
Walmart- A-1 Small bottle $2.08 -$2 coupon =$.08 cents!
Webber Grilling Spices in a pack not bottle $.58 -$.50 coupon =$.08 cents!! I have some $.35 off coupons if you want to trade.
Mc Cormick Spices in a pack not bottle are $.58 as well. -$.50 coupon = $.08 cents!!
If your in Nebraska like me we didn't get the $2 A-1 Coupon. I bought mine offline. If your looking for some let me know and i will work out a trade w/ you. I think i have only 5 left.
This is just to give you an idea of what is out there.
True Value
$4.99 - Save 50% - Your Choice reg. 9.99
45-Ct., 13-Gal. Tall Kitchen Bags
or 20-Ct., 33-Gal. Trash Bags
MATH 5 boxes of Hefty trash bags
TOTAL $26.69with tax
-$5/$25 Purchase
-(5) $1/1 Hefty Coupon from 05-17-09 insert
Total After Coupons $16.69 That equals to $3.34 a box. Better than spending $7-$8
Sale Ends Sat.
Where are they ?
Peoples True Value Hardware
ph# 712-323-6822
2917 W Broadway
Council Bluffs, IA 51501
Coupons In Magazines
Thanks to Nicole's Nickels for this posting....
Coupons in Magazines
Martha Stewart Living, June 2009 issue
Page 79 - Swiss Premium Tea "Try Me Free" Mail-In-Offer
Page 79 - $1 off on any one gallon or two half-gallons of Swiss Premium Tea
Elle Decor, June 2009 issue
Page 41 - Bed Bath & Beyond, 20% off one single item
Good Housekeeping, June 2009 issue
Page 28 - Swiss Premium Tea "Try Me Free" Mail-In-Offer
Page 28 - $1 off on any one gallon or two half-gallons of Swiss Premium Tea
Page 42 - $1.00 off on any 2 Dole fruit bowls, gels or parfaits
Page 69 - $25 off when you spend $100 at Coldwater Creek
Page 101 - $5.00 off when you spend $25 at True Value
Page 129 - $3.00 off Simple Green
Page 172 - $.25 off on any Kozy Shack product (in coupon insert in magazine)
Page 172 - $1.00 off on any FDS feminine wash (in coupon insert in magazine)
Page 172 - $.50 off on any FDS feminine deodorant spray (in coupon insert in magazine)
Page 172 - $1.00 off on any Carefree product (in coupon insert in magazine)
Page 172 - $1.00 off on any OFF personal insect repellant (in coupon insert in magazine)
Omaha Are Grocery List & Coupon Matchup for week of 5/20-5/26
I am starting the list early this time. I am hoping to be done with it by tomorrow sometime. This is the only ad i have in hand for now that is ready.
Bar-S Jumbo Hotdogs $.68 x2 = $1.36 -$1= $.36 cents!! coupon from 05-10-09 insert OR $1/2 here
Corn on the cob $.24 an ear
Store brand Hamburger or Hotdog buns $.78
Ground chuck Patties $1.98lb
Frozen Honeysuckle Turkey Breast $.98lb
Edy’s Ice Cream 1.5QT $2.57
3lb bag Fuji Apples $1.48
Russet Potatoes $1.66 10lb bag
Jello you make $.38
Storebrand foam plates $.84
Gatorade 32oz $.78 -$.50 coupon =$.28 cents! This coupon is out there somewhere, not an insert coupon though.
Hamburger Meat 93% $1.77lb
Frito’s, Dorito’s or Cheetos $1.77 (look around at stores for tearpad coupons, many have them.)
Kraft bbq sauce $.78 -$.75 = FREE coupon from 05-03-09 insert OR $1 off from or of Krafts website.
Sara Lee Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns $.98
A-1 Steak Sauce 16oz $2.98 -$2 coupon from last weeks insert =$.98 (if your in NE we didn’t get this coupon. I traded for mine)
Quaker or Cap’n Crunch $1.88 -$1=$.88 coupon from
Pillsbury Brownies $.88 -$.35 =$.53 coupon from 04-19-09 insert
Blue Bunny Ice Cream 25% off -$1 = ? coupon from
Swiss southern Tee ½ gal $1.25 -$1/2 =$1.50 coupon from 05-17-09 insert
Kraft Singles $1.48 -$1/2 = $1.96 coupon from
Cool Whip $.99 -$1/2 =$.98 from
Purex 44-50oz $2.68 -$.50 = $2.18 coupon from
Charmin 12 big rolls or Bounty Basic Towels 8 rolls $4.98 -$.25 = $4.73 coupon from 05-03-09 insert
Coke 12pk 5/$12 –(4) $1/1 12pk = $8 coupon from must have codes for coupons.
Corn 10/ $3.88 =$.38 each
Farmland pork feather bones $.98lb sold in 10lb box -$1 home mailer coupon = $8.80
Sheboygan Brats or Sausage $2.49 -$1= $1.49 coupon came from hyVee
Bag & Save
Tostitos $1.99 (look for tearpad coupon at stores)
A-1 Marinade $1.99 -$2=FREE coupon same as above
Chinet 15ct. $2.50 -$2=$.50 coupon from 5-03-09 OR $1 printable
Hamburger meat 84% Lean $1.49lb
Wonder bread $.99
Green Giant Baby caroots $.99
Land O lakes lemonade ½ gal $.59
Corona 12pk bottles $11.77 – there are rebates in stores
Snuggle Fabric softener $3.79 -$1 =$2.79 coupon from
Quilted Norther TP 6dbl rolls $3.95 -$1=$2.95 coupon from 04-26-09 insert
Digiorno Flatbreads $2.50 -$1.50= $1 coupon For IE click here
OR Fire Fox here
-$1=$1.50 coupon from Kraft Food & Family Magazine.
-$1 coupon from 05-17-09 insert
Watermelon Seedless $2.99
Heinz Ketchup 40oz $1.69
Aunt Jemima frozen Waffles $1.79 -$1/2 =$2.58 coupon from 05-03-09 insert
Canteloupe $1.50
John Morrell Hot dogs $.59
Johnsonville Brats or sausage $2.49
Boneless Ribeye Pork chops $.89 each
Vitamin Water $1 -$1= FREE coupon from
Strawberries $1.99
Corn 5 ears $2
Mars candy bars 2/$1 -$B1G1F Coupon =$.50 coupon from last weekend paper
Huggies Diapers $8.99 various coupons out
Dial hand soap $1-$.55=$.45 coupon here
Weber Grilling Spices $1 -$.50=$.50 coupon from 05-17-09 insert
Yoplait Yogurt $3.88 various $.50 and $1 coupons out
Pepperidge Farm Baked Goods 33% Off
Sara Lee Desserts 33% Off
Healthy Choice Dinners $1.88 –B5G1F =$7.52 coupon from 02-08-09 insert OR -$1 =$.88 coupon here
Marie Callanders Dinners $1.88
KC Masterpiece bbq sauce $1.69
Country Time $1.88 -$1/2 =$2.76
Kool Aid $1.88 -$1/2 =$2.76 coupon from
Hillshire Farm Sausages Buy 1 Get 1 Free -$1/2 =? Coupon from 04-19-09 insert
Hormel Boneless Tenderloins $6.99 -$1=$5.99 coupon from last Sunday paper
Chef Boyardee $1 -$1/4=$3 coupon from 05-03-09 insert
Pepsi 12pk $2.50 when you buy 4
7Up product 12pk's $2.75 wyb 4
Minute Maid juice Drink $.99
Kroger Cheese $1.48 -$.45=$1.03 coupon came from store mailing
Edy's ice cream $2.37
Hagen Daz ice cream $2.37 coupon 5/17/09 insert
Lays Chips $1.88 –various coupons in store
Roberts Dips $1 -$.50=$.50 coupon from 04-19-09 insert
Fast Fixin Chicken $1 -$1=FREE coupon here
Buy $15 worth of Huggies Products get $3 off various coupons out
Oscar Mayer hot dogs $.99 -$1=FREE Coupon from Kraft Summer Magazine OR
Oscar Mayer Bologna $.99 -$1/2 coupon from =$1 for 2
Hillshire Farm smoked sausage or Kielbasa $2 -$1/2= $3 coupon from 04-19-09 insert
Purex 32 loads $2.48 -$.50 =$1.98 coupon here
Blue Bunny Ice Cream $1.99 -$1 coupon from above =$.99
Sara Lee Bread $1.88
Kelloggs Cereals 3/$8 =$2.67 each various $1 coupons out
Cocoa Rice Krispies 16.5oz, Apple Jack & Corn Pops 17oz, Smacks 15.3oz
Oscar Mayer Bacon $3 -$1/2 wyb Turkey bacon and Cheese coupon here
Oscar Mayer Lunchables 3/$7=$2.33 each -$1/2 =$3.66 coupon from
Tombstone Pizza’s 3/$8= $2.67 each -$1/2 =$5.34 coupon from also there is the Tombstone pay your bills rebate out, scroll down to bottom of my page to see
Kraft Deli fresh Sliced Cheese $2.28 -$1=$1.28 coupon from 05-17-09 insert
Combos $1
General Mills Deal
Buy 3 GM Cereals get $3.75 off Milk Coupon
GM Cereals $3/$8.88
Cheerios 14oz , Frosted Cheerios 17.2oz, Golden Grahams 16oz, or Selected Varieties
Buy $50 or more of Best Buy gift cards get $10 off your next HyVee purchase.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday Meal Planning
Left Over Hamburgers & Hotdogs , Chips & Dip & Kiwi.
Pappa Johns- we eat this every Monday because you can get a large 1 topping pizza for carryout for $6.99
Roast & Veggies
Was naughty and ate BK. Cost $6.39
Mini Meatloaves (already done) just needs veggies.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Walgreens Shopping Trip 5/14/09
They are not ringing up as $5.99 they are ringing up as $2.99
Items i bought:
12 pk Coke $3.64
12pk Diet Coke $3.64
12pk Diet Coke Caff Free $3.64
12pk Sprite $3.64
1 Bayer Quick Release $2.49
1 Right Guard Xtreme $2.99
2 Reynolds Wrap $.89x2=$1.78
3 pk veggie seeds $1
1 pk Side Walk Chalk $1
Total Before Coupons $31.47
Total After Coupons $1.19
Total Coupon Savings $30.28
New Budget $1919.88
Mail In Rebate Savings $35.84
Bakers Shopping Trip 5/17/09
Not one of my best trips to Bakers but it will do for now.
Items Bought
12pk Big K Cola $1.67
2-4pks Quilted Northern 4 dbl rolls $1.99x2=$3.98
1 Waffle Cones $2.69
1 Byers Ice Cream $2.88
2 Roasts $4.66
5 ears of Corn $2
2 Sweet baby ray $1.69x2=$3.38
1 A-1 $2.69
1 Roberts Dip $2.50
2 Storebrand Yogurt $.30
Total Before Coupons $27.05
Total After Coupons $17.40
Coupon Savings $9.65
New Budget $1921.07
Mail In Rebate Savings $35.84
FREE Store Brand Yogurt @ Bakers
They also had a huge stack of $.30 off any store brand yogurt. So i was thinking i was getting it for $.02 NOPE.
When it scanned it rang up $.30 So FREE Yogurt!! Just thought i would give ya a FYI on them
Walmart Shopping Trip 5/17/09
Today was a pretty good day. I price matched a lot what isn't price matched i will note.
1 Hefty Plates $1.66
1 Sara lee bread $1.88
2 Capri Suns $1.67x2=$3.34
2 Honey Nut Chex Cereals $1.88x2=$3.76
1 Reeses Puffs Cereal $1.88
2 Pks Chicken Breasts $1.40x2=$2.80
4lb bag Potatoes $1.49
2 Kraft Cheese Slices $.99x2=$1.98
5 Sweet baby ray bbq sauce $1x5=$5
16 Yoplait Yogurts .48x16=$7.68
2 pks Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs $.99x2=$1.98
1 Little Debbie $.97
1 Dozen Eggs $.69
1 Maxwell House Coffee $6
1 White Cloud 4pk TP $2
1 Blue bonnet Butter $.73
1 Webber Marinade $.58
5 McCormick Marinades $.75x5=$3.75
1 Bell Pepper $.34
2 Kraft Dressings $1.58x2=$3.16
2 Twix candy bars $.64x2=$1.28
11 A-1 Steak sauce small bottle $2.08x11=$22.88
1 12pk Diet Coke $2.98
Total Before Coupons $80.80
Total After Coupons $30.41
Coupon savings $50.39
Price Match Savings $31.84
New Budget $1938.47
Mail In Rebate Savings $35.84
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Walgreens Ad 5/17-5/23
MQ= Manufacturer Coupon
RR= Register Reward
Colgate Visible White Toothpaste
MQ: $1 off from
RR: $4.99 Register Reward when you buy one. pg 20
MATH: 4.99 - $1 coupon - $4.99 RR = $1.00 Money Maker
TOTAL: $0.24
SALE: $1.99
MQ: $0.75 off coupon from 4/26 insert
RR: $1 Register Reward when you buy one. pg 13.
MATH: $1.99 - $0.75 coupon- $1RR = 0.24
TOTAL: $1.29/2
SALE: $2.79 buy 1 get 1
MQ: .75/1 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Any - 04-26-09 insert
MATH: 2 lysol toilet bowl cleaners = $2.79- .75(2)=$1.29/2 or .65 each
SALE: 2/$3
MQ: $.55/1 Frosting (use 2) coupon from here
Total $1.90
SALE: 2/$7
MQ: $2/1 coupon from 04-19-09 insert
MATH: $7 for two or $3.50 each - $2 Q per purchase = $1.50 each
TOTAL: -0.01
SALE: 5.99
MQ: $1.00 Right Guard, Dry Idea, or Soft & Dri product, any 4/19/09 SS
RR: Get $5 RR when you buy Right Guard Profession or Dry Idea Critical Complete at $5.99
MATH: $5.99 (sale price) - $1.00 Manu Q = $4.99 get $5 RR = -$0.01
Band Aid Bandages
TOTAL: $2 for 4 boxes
SALE: 2/$5
MQ: $1/1 coupon from 4-26 insert
RR: $4 wyb $10 in product
Carefree Liners
SALE: $.99
MQ: $.50 Internet Coupon here
AD Q: 99 cents with ad coupon
MATH: .99 - $.50 = $.49
Friday, May 15, 2009
You have 24 hours to get back to me and claim your prize. If i do not hear from you within 24hrs i am sorry, it will have to be passed on to the next person.
Thank you for everyone who entered!!! Check back next week for another give away.
Cheap Bowling This Summer
If you live in the Omaha area and are looking for cheap bowling, keep in mind not always the bigger bowling alleys offer the best deals.
Cheap Bowling for Kids:
$1 per game per person Every Sunday From 3pm to 10pm.
Where: Chops Bowling
2518 S 13th Street PH# (402) 341-3878
What's cheap at Target This Month of MAY ?
Kraft Mayo $1.99 -$1 IPQ= $.99
Scenerero: Kraft Mayo 1.99 x2 =$3.98
-(2) $1 IPQ
-(1) $1/2 Target Q
TOTAL $.98
Kraft Miracle Whip...1.99 -$1 IPQ= $.99
Scenrrero: Miracle Whip 1.99 x2 =$3.98
-(2) $1 IPQ
-(1) $1/2 Target Q
TOTAL $.98
Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs...1.93 -$1 IPQ =$.93
Nabisco 100 Calorie Pack $1.93
-$1 IPQ =$.93
-$1 Target Q
Triscuits $2.08 -$1 OPQ = $1.08
Triscuits $2.08 x2=$4.16
-(2)$1 IPQ
-$1/2 Target Q
TOTAL $1.16
Wheat Thins...2.08 -$1 IPQ =$1.08
Wheat Thins $2.08 x2=$4.16
-(2)$1 IPQ
-$1/2 Target Q
TOTAL $1.16
Purell Hand Sanitizer Travel Size $.99 x2= $1.98 -$2/2 any purell internet printable coupon = FREE
Joint Juice 6.9 oz. for $.99 -$1.09 regular price -$1 Q =FREE or $.09 cents
The Always Infinity 28 count $8.94 Buy 2 get $5 Gift Card
-(2) $4 Always Infinity Coupon =$9.88 & get $5 Gift Card
Electrasol on clearance so YMMV $3.64 -$2.50 Q =$1.14 (this coupon expires 5/17)
100 Calorie Pack Oreo Cookies $1.93x2=$3.86 -$1/2 Target Q & $1/2 Oreo Printable =$1.86
Teddy Grahams $1.77 -$1 Target Q= $.77
Snack Size Quaker Bites (found by register) $1 -$1 Target Q = FREE
5lb bag potatoes $1.99 -$1 Target Q = $.99 (Not sure is there still on sale but was a couple days ago.)
3 Granny Smith Apples $.99lb =$1.30 -$1 Target Q= $.30
If you can find Cottonelle 4pk might be a good deal, mine was out. -$1 Target Q & $.50 Internet Q =$1.50 Off OR
6 double roll Ultra Soft $4.89 -$1 Target Q & $1 Cottonelle Q=$2.89
2 Puperoni $2.54x2=$5.08 -$1 Target Q=$4.08 -(2) $1.50 Q= $1.08
YMMV on this one Pampers Baby Fresh Baby Wipes 616-pk. $12.99
-$1 Target Home Mailer Q
-$.50 Pampers Wipes coupon (came from inside a pack of diapers)
TOTAL $11.49 ( i don't know if this is a good deal but it seemed like it could be if you can not get cheaper or free anywhere)
Ritz Crackers $2.54
-$1 Target Q
-$1 Ritz IP Q
Total $.54 Cents!!
Ritz Bits Cheese Crackers $2
-$1 Ritz IPQ
Total $1
SWIFFER On Clearance Orange Scent ONLY $3.14
$3.14x2= $6.28
Huggies Size 6 on Clearance $8.74
Nabisco mac and cheese crackers marked down to $1.02 -$1 off Nabisco snack target coupon and get for $.02 cents Thanks AMY99s
FREE kids prints bandaids. hello kitty and diego 10 ct bandaids in the travel section are .99-$1 MC = FREE ! Coupon from 03-15-09 SS i think thanks hannahgail001
Halls plus cough drops on clearance for 1.01-1.00mq =$.01 cents
J&J buddies .97-1.00mq=FREE
J&J cotton swabs 1.29-1.00mq=.29 cents
Tag body spray on clearance for 2.30-1.00mq =$1.30
Kraft easy mac .89 bogo printable+1/2 target printable=FREE
Axe triall size body wash .97-1.00mq=FREE Thanks annielaurie_us
Banana Boat small/ trial size sport spray sun screen for $1 -$1 Coupon = FREE
Thanks flame_chick
Gold'n Plump chicken this week! There's a $1/1 Target IP, and GNP put out a $.75/1 IP in March that doesn't expire until 5/31. $1.75 for 20 oz of boneless skinless chicken breasts!!! Thanks pnault17
Skintimate shave gel regular cans are 2.29
-$.75 MFQ
-$1 TQ
TOTAL $.54
Sintimate new kind is 3.69
-$.75 MFQ
-$1 TQ
TOTAL $1.94
Thanks blonditz
FREE All Bran Promise Pack
Pack includes cereal, fiber bar, drink mix and $4 in coupons. Click title to take you there.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
FREE FOOD From Arby's
This summer Arby's is offering Free Food Wednesday! You may want to call ahead of time to see if there participating.
May 20th - Free Chocolate Malt Swirl shake with any sandwich purchase
May 27th - Free Regular Roast Beef sandwich with any soft drink purchase
June 3rd - Free FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
June 10th - Free Roast Chicken club with any soft drink purchase
June 17th - Free Regular Sidekicker with any sandwich purchase
June 24th -Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
July 1st - Free Regular Beef 'n Cheddar with any soft drink purchase
July 8th - Free Orange Cream Swirl shake with any sandwich purchase
July 15th - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
July 22nd - Free Roastburger with any soft drink purchase
July 29th - Free FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
August 5th - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
August 12th - Free Roast Chicken Club with any soft drink purchase
August 19th - Free FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
August 26th - Free Regular Beef 'n Cheddar with any soft drink purchase
Omaha Area Grocery List & Coupon Match Ups 5/13-5/19
Here are my top choices for the Omaha area.
New York Strip Steaks 2 steaks for $4 in packs of 2
Athena melons $1.86.
Hunts Ketchup $.88 -$1/2 =$.76 coupon from May All You Magazine Or $.20/1=$.68 coupon from 05-10-09 insert
Tony’s Original Pizza $1.66 – Some boxes have been known to have $1 coupons on them.
7Up Products 2 liters $.58
Macaroni & Cheese Crackers $.96 –If you have the $.55 coupon it will be $.41
Split Chicken Breasts $.85lb
Betty Crocker Cake Mix $.79
Fruity Pebbles $1.88
Honey Comb $1.88
Ball park franks $1.99 -$1/2=$2.98 and combine w/ Free Sara Lee hot dog buns coupon.
Bag & Save
Kraft cheese Sinlges $.99-$1/2 =$.98 coupon from
Roberts gallon chocolate milk $1.99 -$.50 =$1.49 coupon from 04-19-09 insert
Red globe grapes $.99lb
GM Cereals $1.88- Various Coupons Out
7Up products 12pk $3/9 -$1 from can print 2x total for 3=$7
Rotellas brats or Hamburger buns $.99
Large Eggs $.69
Green peppers 3/$1 =.33 each
Oscar Mayer hot dogs $.99 -$1/2=$.99 coupon from
Gallon Milk $1.99
Michelina's Budget Gourmet Entrees $.47
Lay's Potato Chips $1.88 -$1/2 =$2.76 coupon came from HyVee
Deli Fried Chicken $5.99 8 Piece * 2 legs * 2 wings * 2 thighs * 2 breasts
Coca-Cola $2.40 12pk/12oz cans or 6pk/24oz bottles wyb 4
when you buy five *Sale price 4/$12. Buy 4 Mix or Match Get 1 FREE.
Breyers Ice Cream $2.88 -$.75=$2.13 coupon from 04-05-09 insert
Quilted Northern Bath Tissue 4 Dbl Rolls $1.99 -$1=$.99 coupon from 04-26-09 insert
Corn 5/$2
Big K 12pk $1.67
Oscar Mayer bologna $.88 -$1/2=$.76 coupon from
Wohlners Market
Potatoes 5lb $1.49
Kiwi 4/$1
Bar S Bologona or Hotdogs $.88 -$1/2=$.76 coupon from 05-10-09 insert
Kraft Pasta Salad $1
Purex 3 in 1 complete laundry sheets $4.99 -$1=$3.99 coupon from
HyVee allergy relief 24ct $1.99
Yoplait yogurt $.48 -$1/8=$2.84 coupon came from flyer at HyVee
Pepsi 12pk $5/$12 w/ store coupon- There are printable Buy 1 get 1 diet pepsi coupons out
Sara Lee Bread $1.88
Prego $1.79 -$1.50 off when you buy Sauce & Pepperdige Farm Bread. The bread is $1.39 at walmart Total $1.68
Save $2 on Kelloggs Cereals or pop Tarts when you buy 4
Pop Tarts $2.77
-$1/2 coupon from 04-05-09 insert
-$.55 off chocolate banna split coupon from
I have been slacking on posting our meal plans. Here was this weeks menu.
Grilled Steak & Corn
Pappa Johns- we eat this every Monday because you can get a large 1 topping pizza for carryout for $6.99
Pancakes & Sausage
Rigatoni w/ meat and cheesy garlic bread
Sloppy Joes
Chicken Tetrazini Bake
Hamburgers & Hotdogs on grill. Chips & dip, watermelon.
Tombstone $5/$10/$15 Pay Your Bills Offer
Receive a Tombstone $5 mail in rebate/utility bill credit when you purchase 7 12" Tombstone pizzas, $10 rebate when you purchase 12 12" pizzas and $15 rebate for a purchase of 17 12" pizzas.
To receive your rebate, mail original dated cash register receipt showing product (s) purchased and completed certificate. See mail in rebate form for more details. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Click the title for the form.
Free Sample of Bodycology Bath & Body Product
Uplifting Coconut Lime
Cozy Brown Sugar Vanilla
Click the title to take you to the offer.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Do you need coupons ?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Back To Walmart
4 Jacks Pizzas $1.86x4=$7.44
1 1/2 gal milk $1
3 Thomas Bagels $1.99x3=$5.97
2 pks of Oscar Mayer hot dogs $1x2=$2
1 Kraft Deluxe Cheese $1.33
4 Bottles of Kraft bbq sauce $.76x4=$3.04
2 V8 Fusions $2.50x2=$5
Total $25.78
Total After Coupons $11.03
Coupon Savings $14.75
New Budget $1968.88
Mail In Rebate Savings $35.84
Monday, May 11, 2009
Target Shopping Trip 5/11/09
8 Swiffer Refills $3.14x8=$25.12
1 pk Huggies size 6 $8.74
1 Smartfood popcorn $3
1 box Ritz crackers $2.54
1 box Ritz cheese crackers $2
1 Baush & Lomb XP trial size $.84
1 3pk seeds $1
Before Coupons $43.94
After Coupons $18.48
Coupon Savings $25.46
New Budget $1968.88
Mail In Rebate Savings $35.84
** I will also receive a $10 gift card by Mail In Rebate**
Here's the deal, buy 2 Swiffer Refill products get $5 gift card.
I was @ The Target in Bellevue and they had Swiffer Refill Pads for $3.14 each.
MATH: $3.14x2=$6.28 get $5 Gift Card
It's like paying $1.28 for them and here's where it get's sweeter. You can get a $5 gift card or $10 gift card by mail. From
I am going to go back and buy 2 more packages so i can get my $10 gift card.
Omaha Area Picking Strawberries
Get up to $50 in Kraft Coupons
Click the title to take you to the coupons.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day To Moms !!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
FREE Small Slushee From A&W
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Omaha Are Grocery List & Coupon Match Up For 5/6-5/12
Kraft bbq sauce $.76 -$.75 =$.01 cents coupon from 05-03-09 insert
Kraft Singles $1.33
Maxwell House 34.5oz $4.98
Jacks Pizza $1.86
Viva 6 roll paper towels $5.28 -$.60=$4.68 coupon from 04-05-09 insert
Powerade $.64Seedless
Watermelon $.28lb
Strawberries $.99
Boneless Porkloin $1.69lb
Tony’s Pizza $1.65
GM Cereals $1.88 –Various coupons out
Prilosec 14ct $9.99 -$3=$6.99 coupon from 05-03-09
Roberts ½ gal choc milk $1.35 -$.50 coupon =$.85 coupon from 05-03-09
Honey suckle ground turkey $2.79
Pineapple $2.50
Kiwi 3/$.99
Chicken Breasts $.89lb
Hunts 24oz. $.98 -$1/2=$1 coupon from All You Magazine
Blueberries $1.98
Bag & Save
Land O Lakes gal Milk $1.97
Soft Soap $1 -$1/3 =$2 or $.35/1 =$.65 coupon from 04-26-09
Little Debbie Cakes $1
Old Home Bread $1.79
Sweet Baby Ray BBQ Sauce $.99
Yoplait Yogurt $.40 -$1/8=$3 coupon was passed out over weekend @ HyVee OR -$.40/6 =$3.60
Prego Spaghetti Sauce $1.88 -$1.50 when you buy Prego & Pepperidge Farm Bread coupon here
Baby carrots $.71
5lb bag russet potatoes $1.47
Cottonelle 12dbl roll $5.99 -$1=$4.99 coupon came from sample at HyVee & Bakers
Ground beef 80% $1.69lb
½ gal milk $1
Kraft shredded cheese or singles $1.66
Rotellas Vienna bread $.88
Cottonelle Bath Tissue 12 Double Rolls $5.98 same as above
Oscar Mayer Hot dogs 10 /$10
Barilla Pasta $1-$.75=$.25 coupon came from but is no longer there
Nature Sweet Cherry Tomatoes $2.50 -$.55=$1.95 coupon from 04-26-09
B1G1Free Arm Roast or Steak
Nestle Cookie Dough $2.50 -$1=$1.50 coupon from 03-29-09 insert OR -$1 here
Home Pride Wheat bread $1.48
Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna $.49 -$.55 =FREE and $.06 Overage coupon from02-22-09 insert
Wohlners Market
Corn 4/$1
Cucumbers 2/$.88
GM Cereals $1.79- Various coupons out
Kelloggs Cereals $1.58 Various $1 coupons on =$.58 cents a box !!
Hunts Snack Pk $.88 -$1/3=$1.64 coupon from All You Magazine
Green peppers 2/$1
HyVee Store Coupons
Coke 12pk 3/$9 -$1 coupon from Must use coke points to get coupon
Wonder Classic Bread $.99
Dannon Yogurt 10/$3 -$1/10 =$2 coupon from 05-03-09 insert
Buy 2 Kimberly Clark Products and 1 HyVee $5 gift card and get $5 off your order.
Huggies Diapers 56-96ct $19.98
Viva Paper Towels 8 big rolls $10.99
Cottonelle 24 dbl rolls $12.88
Scott paper towels 4 or 8 roll, or TP 12rolls $7.88
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
GONE: Free KFC 2 piece Grilled Chicken meal !!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Walgreens Shopping Trip 5/4/09
Kids wanted some pop. It was cheaper to go buy the 12pks than going to the gas station and getting 20oz's. Items Bought......
1- 12 Pk Hawain Punch
1- 12 Pk 7 Up
1- 12Pk Diet Sunkist
Total $11
-$6 RR
-$1 MFQ
Total After Coupons $4 & got back a $5 RR
New Budget $1987.36
Mail In Rebate Savings $35.84
Stamp Out Hunger- Food Drive on Sat. May 9th
Here is something i am sure we all can participate in. We get some things for FREE when we use our coupons so why not donate some of it ?
The food drive is May 9th !! Remember to purchase or set aside food items this week. Your help means a lot! Questions? Head to for more info!
Walgreens 5/3 - 5/9
$1 RR when you buy 2 dove chocolates 2/$6
$3 RR WYB 2 Nabisco + 1 Gallon Milk
Nilla Wafers 12oz 2/$6
Oreos 18oz 2/$6
Lorna Doone 10oz 2/$6
Newtons 16oz 2/$6
$1 RR when you buy Mars Minis 2/$5
$3 RR WYB $10 Conagra Products
Healthy Choice Fresh Mixers $3
Hunt's Snack Pack Pudding 4/$5
Poppycock $2
Healthy Choice Frozen Entrees 2/$5
Hunt's Tomatoe Sauce 2/$1
Van Camps Pork & Beans 2/$1
Butterball Chicken Broth 2/$1
Healthy Choice Soup 2/$3
Chef Boyardee 2/$3
$10 RR WYB Kodak 9 megapixel Digital Camera $89.99
Spend $25 get $6 RR, Spend $10, get $2 RR
Mr. Clean
There is a Swiffer gift card deal going right now. The wet jets, dusters and sweepers look likey they qualify for refills and it sounds like you just need to buy $20 in products to get a $10 visa gift card back.
Swiffer Refill Rebate
$1 RR WYB Oral B Power Toothbrush $5.99
Cross Action or Stages
Buy 3, get $10 RR, Buy 2 or more, get $5 RR
$1.50 RR WYB Gillette Mach 3 or Venus Disposable Razors
$2 RR WYB Nice n Easy or Root Touch Up $6.99
$10 RR WYB Bed Head Hair Straightener $39.99
$5 RR WYB $20 Garnier or Maybelline Products
Garnier Nutritioniste Cleanser or Moisturizer $1 (5/31/09)
Garnier Nutritioniste Moisturizer $1 (6/30/09)
$5 RR WYB Conair Mini Hair Dryer or Straightener $19.99
$2 RR WYB Pert Plus 2/$5 coupon here
$3 RR WYB Sally Hershberger $8.99
$2 RR WYB Relaxer or Texture Softener Kit 2/$10
$10 RR WYB Oral B Power Toothbrush $59.99
$4.50 RR WYB 2 Listerine 2/$9
Advanced Natural Citrus
Agent Cool Blue
Listerine Agent Cool Blue or Smart Rinse $1 (12/31/09) SS 3/15/09
Total Care
Listerine Total Care Anticavity Mouthwash $2 (12/31/09) SS 3/15/09
$2 RR WYB Bic Soliel or Comfort Razors $5.99
Bic Comfort 3 Advance Shaver 4-pack $2 (5/31/09) SS 4/19/09
Bic Soleil Disposable Shaver $2 (5/17/09) SS 4/19/09
$3 RR WYB Claritin $19.99
$3 RR WYB Fiberchoice, Citrucal or Beano $10.99
Beano Product, 30ct+ $1 (5/31/09) SS 3/22/09
Citracal Product $1 (6/30/09) SS 3/22/09
$3 RR WYB Breathe Right or Snore Relief $12.99
Breathe Right, any $1 (5-31-09) SS 2/8/09
$4 RR WYB Omeprazole $18.99
$2 RR WYB Slimfast shakes or Bars 2/$12
Slim-Fast Ready-to-Drink or Bars Multi-Pack $1.00/1 (6/28/2009) V #2 (Pitts) 4/5/09
12 pks of Sunkist, 7 UP Canada Dry, A& or Hawaiian Punch 3/$11, get $5 RR
$1 RR WYB Tide or Gain $5.99
Colgate sensitive toothpaste 4.6 or 6 oz $4.49 -$4.49 RR. - $1Q coupon here
$2 RR WYB Right Guard Deodorant $2.99
Right Guard, Dry Idea, or Soft & Dri $1 on 2 (5-31-09) SS 3/8/09
20% Off Aveeno and wyb 3 Aveeno products get a FREE Travel Essentials Kit
FREE 8x10 enlargement on Wednesday May 6 w/ store coupon or enter code MOTHER online.
Scotch paper cutters are 2/$3 -$.50 coupon from here
Dawn 10.3 oz 0.99 (in ad q)
Free Pizza when you buy a movie from Best Buy
Sunday, May 3, 2009
5/3/09 Shopping Trip
Walmart Shopping Trip
Price Matched
1 Twelve pk diet coke $3.33
2 loaved of Bread $.99x2=$1.98
1 pk ST3 Razors $3.25
3 Jacks Pizzas $2.20x3=$6.60
1 Hefty Trash bags $5
2 Bags of Werthers $1x2=$2
2 Flour Mission Tortillas $1.38x2=$2.76
1 Kraft bbq sauce $.79
1 Ortega Taco Dinner Kit $2.41
8 Yoplait's $.40x8=$3.20
3 Skippy pb $1.15x3=$3.45
Bananas 1.94lb $.93
1 Bag of Oranges $2.50
Regular Price
1 Taco Seasoning Pk $.58
10 pks Airheads $.64x10=$6.40
4 Ten ct Deigo Band Aids $1.18x4=$4.72
Large Eggs $.94
Total Before Coupons $52.43
Total After Coupons $32.79
Total Coupon savings $19.64
New Budget $2010.01
Mail In Rebate Savings $35.84
Manager price matched a local store on my Gatorade.
1 Cantaloupe $2
1 Pop Tarts $1.99
1 Bisquick $3.19
1 Iams dog food $6.39
1 Prilosec 14ct $11.35
1 Pedigree Dentastix $4.29
2 Reese's King Size candy bars $1
5 Eight pk Gatorades $2.50x5=$12.50
Total Before Coupons $46.50
Total After Coupons $18.65
Total Coupon Savings $27.85
New Budget $1991.36
Mail In Rebate Savings $35.84
Saturday, May 2, 2009
5/1/09 Target Shopping Trip
Spent more than i should have but that's what happens when my daughter helps w/ the groceries.
2 Electrasol $3.64x2=$7.28
1 Snack size Planters Cashews $1.69
2 100 Calorie Pack Oreo Cookies $1.93x2=$3.86
1 Teddy Grahams $1.77
2 Snack Size Quaker Bites $1x2=$2
5lb bag potatoes $1.99
6 Granny Smith Apples $.99lb =$2.55
2 Pillsbury Breadsticks $1.46x2= $2.92
1 Chuck E Cheese Sticks $1.84
1 Cottonelle 6 double Roll $4.89
2 Puperoni $2.54x2=$5.08
1 Dog Leash $8.48
1 Zicam $8.99
Total $55.70
Total After Coupons $32.13
Coupon Savings $25.57
I have 2 things to subtract from my budget the leash and medicine. They belong in a different budget. Total to subtract $8.99 and $8.48
New Total to subtract for Budget $14.66
New Budget $2042.89
Mail In Rebate Savings $35.84
Friday, May 1, 2009
Free coffee at Border's !
Here is a printable coupon for a free 12 oz beverage of your choice at any Seattle's Best, Border's location. Valid through May 6, 2009. Just click the tittle.
Thanks to Mom Saves Money for this great offer!
4/26/09 Shopping Trip
I just now realized i never posted this past weekends shopping trip. Everything was price matched at Walmart unless noted.
1 Cantaloupe $1.77
1 Eggo Bake Shoppe $1.87
2 Four pk Dannimal Cups $.89x2= $1.78
2 Six Pk Aquafina Watter $2.50x2=$5
2 Gatorade 8pk $2.50x2=$5
11 Airheads $.64x11=$7.04
3 Hunts Pudding $.90x3=$2.70
12 Yoplait yogurts $.40x12=$4.80
2 GM Cereal $2x2=$4
4 Four pk Olay Bar Soap $2.48x4=$9.92
2 pork tenderloins $1.77x2=$3.54
1 pk chicken thighs $1.54
Regular price Items
2 Homestyle Bakes $6
1 Breadsticks $2.08
1 Newspaper $2
2 Sams Cola 12pk $5
Total $65.34
Total After Coupons $38.40
Coupon Savings $26.94
New Budget $2057.55
Mail In Rebate Savings $35.84
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